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Special Announcements 

aby & Children’s

DedicationCome out Friday, September 22nd for an Evangelistic Explosion sponsored by the Homeless Neighbors In The Park Ministry. The guest speaker will be Reverend Debbie Hayes-Rountree. Service begins at 8:00 pm

Dr. Betty will be speaking at Love Fellowship Christian Ministries Pre-Women’s Day Service on Friday, April 26th at 7:30 pm.The OCC Dram Ministry presents "Make Room", this year's Easter program, on April 14th at the 11:00 an service.

"I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God in him will I trust." Psalms 91:2

OCC is having its first Youth Reunion on Saturday, September 14th from 4:00-7:00 for all former youth (teens) of the church. This is a great time to come together and reminisce on the 'good old days'. Please send your RSVP to

On Sunday, September 22nd, Outreach will hold a Babies and Children's Dedication service immediately after the 11:00 am service. Parents are asked to RSVP for their children, Infant - to 12 years old, and please see Deaconess Queen Bush or Deaconess Lillie Gaskins for more information.

Calling all children and youth to come join OCC's Young Generation Choir for ages 7-17. Please see Deaconess Kimberly Remalia, Choir Director, for details.

Youth Church for 11-13 year olds is headed by Minister Antoinette Lyles and takes place at the 11:00 am Sunday service.

Youth Ministry Class for 14-17 year-olds is held on Sundays during the 11:00 am service. Please see Minister Loftin for more information.

Outreach Christian Center has in-person and virtual services at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. Wednesday at 7:30 pm messages are available virtually on Youtube and Facebook. 

Contact Deaconess Sandra McCain or Brother Scott Perry if you have a birthday, wedding anniversary, or other special event you would like announced at the 11:00 a.m. service.

During illness or bereavement, please contact Deacon Jones or Deaconess Bush of the Good Samaritans Ministry.

Outreach Christian Center is committed to preaching the gospel of Jesus the Christ to the unsaved and saved. We believe that it is our responsibility to reach the world with the "Good News" and to share the plan of salvation to the lost.

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In addition, you can use bill payer through your bank (an account number for OCC is not needed) or send checks/money order via regular mail to the church (do not send cash).

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Verse of the Day 

11:00 am
Worship Service
In-person and virtual

7:30 pm
Mid-week Service
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Outreach Christian Center
6701 Clinton Manor Drive | Clinton, MD 20735 
 PH: 301-856-1183  FAX: 301-856-1603 
Dr. Betty  J. Swinney-Reeder, Pastor